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Wepa is a dance group committed to promoting, representing, and sharing the traditional elements of Colombian folkloric dance in the Seattle region, including folkloric music, artistry, and dances. In addition to strengthening Colombian cultural identity, we aim to encourage interest in and representation of Colombian cultural heritage and history, promote cultural diversity and interculturality, and keep the traditions and customs of Colombia alive beyond Colombia. 

We strive to become a folkloric dance company that prioritizes the artistry, artistic expression, and creativity of our members while incorporating the musical traditions, songs, dances, and other elements of Colombian folklore. In our practices and performances, we aim to celebrate the large cultural diversity in Colombia, respecting the importance of the regional cultures in Colombia; foster a highly collaborative and harmonious learning environment; strengthen our core values; and offer a space for anyone to embrace the customs and cultural traditions of the Colombian people, establishing ourselves as cultural ambassadors of their folklore.

1- To learn about and share the traditions of the Colombian people and contribute to the process of promoting cultural diversity and preserving Colombian cultural traditions.

2-  To work with people of all identities to preserve and promote Colombian cultural traditions through learning and performing Colombian folk dances.

3- To promote and perform folkloric dances from different Colombian areas (North, Center, South, among others), as well as other Latin American dances.

4- To develop group and individual training practices based on our core values and principles; enhance self-esteem and personal growth for people of all ages; become direct actors and promoters of multiculturality in the Seattle area.

5- Train others in the art and history of Colombian folkloric dance. Develop a space of active learning that serves the Seattle community. 

6- Promote and support the organizations and institutions that request our support at cultural events.


1- Artistic education and training through workshops on folkloric dances, seminars, talks, and more.

2- Promotion, performance, and support for organizations (folkloric events or performances at events, both our own and those organized by others, and use of communications and social media (mail, web page, facebook, flayer, local radios).

3- Self-management (generation of resources for the needs of Wepa through activities through fundraising and grant applications)


We want every person, regardless of their identity, to feel comfortable participating in folkloric dance and learning about Colombian folkloric traditions. We strive to amplify the voices of people that belong to minority communities. 
As a multicultural folk group, we strive to cultivate a respectful environment where all of our members feel heard and can participate fully. Our environment is free from harassment and bullying. We engage in compassionate dialogue and discussion and treat others with kindness.
As dance is a collaborative medium, we strive to build an environment where all of our participants can work closely together; fellowship and collaboration are integral for us to meet our objectives. 
Community and Solidarity

We strive to build a welcoming community for our members; we aim to serve greater Seattle community. 

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